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Det er «1 Thing» Smaalenes Avis 19.04.2005

R&B-stjerneskuddet Amerie er en av ekstremt få amerikanske stjerner med asiatisk blod i årene. Nå kan hun ta USA med storm - hvis ikke rasisme ødelegger.

White Supremacist Groups Draw Scrutiny Yahoo News 03.03.2005

CHICAGO - White supremacist Matt Hale, the self-proclaimed "Pontifex Maximus" of the World Church of the Creator, sits in a cell, isolated from other inmates and allowed only rare visits from his parents. But investigators want to know whether his malign influence extended beyond the prison walls.

Authorities: White-supremacist group is smaller than portrayed The Seattle Time 18.02.2005

PORTLAND - For more than a year now, a Tualatin, Ore., man has used public-access television, the Internet and the mainstream media to create the illusion that a white-supremacist movement is on the rise in the Northwest, law-enforcement officials said.

White-supremacist groups go public to seek members The Seattle Time 15.02.2005

ST. LOUIS - White-supremacist groups are moving aggressively to recruit new members by promoting their violent, racist ideologies on billboards, in radio commercials and in leaflets tossed on suburban driveways.

Refugees' Tales Heard by Powerful Audience of One Yahoo News 15.02.2005

WASHINGTON - After hearing graphic stories of suffering directly from persecuted young people who fled to the United States, President Bush (news - web sites) intervened personally to sharply increase the number of refugees admitted to the country - undoing the severe limits placed on such admissions for security reasons after the Sept. 11 attacks.

House Approves New Rules for Asylum Seekers Yahoo News 11.02.2005

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Foreigners could have a harder time seeking asylum in the United States and illegal immigrants would be barred from getting drivers licenses under a bill approved on Thursday by the U.S. House of Representatives.

Asylum seekers face harsh conditions, panel says USA Today 09.02.2005

WASHINGTON (AP) - Many people who come to the United States seeking political asylum are treated like criminals, in some cases held in prisons and jails, a federal commission said Tuesday.

Hollywood-Halle raser mot bransjen VG 31.01.2005

(VG Nett) Halle Berry (38) hevder at hun må slåss hver dag mot rasistiske filmprodusenter.

Ku-Klux-Klan på auksjon BA 31.01.2005

Amerikanere betaler store summer for å sikre seg klær og andre effekter fra Ku-Klux-Klan.

Faith-Based Groups Oppose Immigration Bill Newsmax.com 31.01.2005

WASHINGTON - Several faith-based groups oppose a Republican-sponsored immigration and border security bill that could move quickly through the House with a spending package for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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