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'Take responsibility' for detainees The Australian 23.12.2003

Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone must take responsibility for asylum seekers detained in Nauru as a result of her government's policies, Opposition Leader Mark Latham said today.

Close Nauru centre: Democrats The Australian 23.12.2003

The Federal Government should immediately close the Nauru processing centre for asylum seekers, the Australian Democrats said today.

Downer plays down Nauru rumour The Australian 23.12.2003

Australia was looking at ways to help Nauru after immigration detention camps on the Pacific island nation close, Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer said today.

Nauru defends detention conditions The Australian 23.12.2003

The Nauru government today defended the treatment of asylum seekers at detention facilities on the island.

Australia 'as bad as Taliban,' say hunger strikers The Observer 23.12.2003

Afghan refugees rejected by Canberra vow to die of starvation at Pacific island detention camp as protest enters third week

Nauru delegation 'independent' The Australian 23.12.2003

An Australian delegation heading to Nauru today to help end a hunger strike among detained asylum seekers was more independent than previous immigration department missions, a lawyer said this morning.

Detainees told Afghanistan 'unsafe' The Australian 23.12.2003

An Afghan community leader sent by the Australian government to Nauru to end a hunger strike had told asylum seekers it was not safe to return to Afghanistan, refugee advocates said today.

Compassion is not just for lefties Sydney Morning H 23.12.2003

There is a tale of two media releases. Last Wednesday Senator Amanda Vanstone issued a statement concerning the "voluntary starvation" by "a number of residents of the offshore processing centre in Nauru". The Immigration Minister declared that this was a matter for the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and, by implication, not Australia.

Australia 'playing into terrorist hands' The Australian 23.12.2003

Australia could play into the hands of terrorists by sending Afghan asylum seekers back to poverty, the Afghan ambassador to Australia warned today.

Asylum seekers 'not our problem' The Australian 17.12.2003

Hunger-striking asylum seekers on Nauru were not the Australian Government's problem, Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone said today.

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